
2024 Vacay Valuator

The KAYAK Vacay Valuator helps you find out how far you can travel just by making small savings changes.

How far can everyday savings really take you?

We’re putting it to the test.

Our latest research* shows more than half of British travellers will create a travel savings fund in 2024, while about 60% plan to cut back on non-essential expenses to fund their getaways. We’ve launched the KAYAK Vacay Valuator to help you see how far you can go by making small adjustments to your everyday spending habits.

Based on the average costs of some everyday items** you can choose what to save on and for how long. The Vacay Valuator then quickly shows you what flight routes are available for that proposed saving.

How the Vacay Valuator works:

1. Pick your duration

2. Choose what to save on

3. Click to Explore

 Takeaway coffee – £37

 Dining out & delivery meals– £139

Alcohol – £62

Cigarette smoking – £156

 Nightlife/clubbing – £73

 Professional home cleaner – £195

 TV/film streaming – £10

Music subscription – £11

 Beauty products & treatments – £44

 Gym membership – £45

 Football match – £125

 Taxi – £54

 Cinema – £8

 Home improvements – £184

 New clothes – £35

*An online survey was conducted by PureSpectrum among 1000 consumers in the UK who plan to travel domestically or abroad in 2024. The research fieldwork took place between 15th – 21st November, 2023. **Prices based on average cost of items and average monthly spending of the UK consumers. Prices calculated from the UK research using the most recent statistics available as of 15th November 2023. All prices are approximate and are subject to change.