
We’re excited to announce an additional booking choice for Air Canada flights through KAYAK.

We’ve always aimed to give you choices where to book. However, we know some of you also want the option to book without leaving our site or mobile app. So last March we began offering the choice to book hotels directly through KAYAK, and we’ve decided the time is right to expand that choice to flights… well at least for Air Canada. As an industry leader with an innovative tech infrastructure, Air Canada was able to work seamlessly with our team to create a comprehensive and intuitive direct booking option.

For our mobile fans, the option will be available on KAYAK mobile applications in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for that app update. The feature will also integrate with our free itinerary management service, My Trips.

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KAYAK UKKAYAK's goal is to show travellers the information they need to find the right flights, hotels, hire cars and holiday packages and make it easier for everyone, everywhere to experience the world. This experience starts here - your daily source of travel inspiration, tips, tricks, sustainability and loads more. Follow us on Instagram for even more inspiration.

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