
Starting today you can now use TripAdvisor reviews and even filter hotel listings by TripAdvisor ratings when you’re looking for a hotel on KAYAK. Given TripAdvisor’s unmatched content — more than 60 million reviews and opinions from all over the world — we’re tremendously excited about this new relationship.

In October, we launched a hotel recommendations filter that enables you to narrow results by expert recommendations. We’ve now updated that feature with TripAdvisor ratings.

This new partnership will make finding the right hotel even easier on KAYAK. Not only can you compare from hundreds of hotel sites at once, but you can now use TripAdvisor’s millions of reviews from its global community of travelers. The feature launched today on in the US and in Great Britain. We’ll be adding it to our global sites and mobile apps as soon as possible.

Please give it a try the next time you need to find a hotel or just for fun.

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KAYAK UKKAYAK's goal is to show travellers the information they need to find the right flights, hotels, hire cars and holiday packages and make it easier for everyone, everywhere to experience the world. This experience starts here - your daily source of travel inspiration, tips, tricks, sustainability and loads more. Follow us on Instagram for even more inspiration.

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