
Summer is officially here. Holidays can be expensive, though, once you tally in flights, hotels, drinks and food, but they don’t have to be if you head to the right place

Our travel experts have done their research and found the cheapest destinations around Europe at which Brits can enjoy a one-week stay. That’s including 4-star hotel accommodation, return flights, car hire, food, drink and even a souvenir to take home with you. Did you know three mojitos in Prague will only cost you £13? Awesome right? Check out the official cheapest summer holidays in Europe below.

Costs for one week: The 5 Cheapest Destinations in Europe

1. Prague

Your new favourite city, visit Prague

Prague is the perfect city in which to shun public transport and walk. Around every corner, you’ll find marvels like the Prague Astronomical Clock or welcoming bars in which to have a beer. So don’t go Kafkaesque, instead have one of your cheapest and most memorable holidays in Prague.

2. Bucharest

A refreshingly different European city

Romania’s capital is a hidden gem when compared to the popularity of other European capitals, but don’t be put off by what you don’t know. Bucharest’s historic city centre which has earned the nickname ‘Little Paris’ is a sight to behold; try a cornulețe, a delicious Romanian pastry, and grab a Romanian beer while embroiling yourself in the culture.

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3. Warsaw

Warsaw is the perfect city break

There’s more to Warsaw than beer, although obviously if you’re going to Poland, sampling its fantastic brew is a high priority. Another must-do is the Warsaw Uprising Museum which details the historic 1944 battle for independence. Afterwards, relax at Lazienki Park surrounding by sculpture and art.

4. Murcia

A lesser-known gem in Murcia

The rich Spanish history of Murcia is evident in its streets which are filled with museums, churches and cultural landmarks. The climate of the city makes it the perfect summer getaway, with average temperatures from June-August resting comfortably at 27°C, meaning the sea is nice and warm for you to dip your toes in.

5. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

A 7 day island escape in Gran Canaria

Touted as having “the best climate in the world” it’s no wonder that Gran Canaria is such a popular holiday destination. Known for its stunning beaches, warm waters and palm tree lined streets bustling with restaurants and bars serving audacious cocktails. If you’re looking for a bit of daytime relaxation but want to let your hair down at night, then Gran Canaria is the perfect summer getaway.

Note: These rates are based on search queries made on on July 17th, 2017. The prices are quoted in GBP. Flight prices are based on results for a return economy flight search. Hotel prices are for double occupancy and include taxes and fees. Prices are subject to change, may vary, or no longer be available.

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KAYAK UKKAYAK's goal is to show travellers the information they need to find the right flights, hotels, hire cars and holiday packages and make it easier for everyone, everywhere to experience the world. This experience starts here - your daily source of travel inspiration, tips, tricks, sustainability and loads more. Follow us on Instagram for even more inspiration.

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