
We’re excited to share that KAYAK launched in Brazil ( Brazilian travelers can now compare hundreds of travel sites at once to find the best flight and hotel deals. We’ve teamed up with Brazil’s leading OTAs to make sure has the highest quality travel content. Our industry-leading Android and iOS mobile apps will also be available in the coming weeks.

While we’re on the topic of global expansion, we’re also happy to confirm the rumors that KAYAK has launched in Russia (…a beta site at least. Oh, and did we mention we’re now live in Portugal ( and Poland ( as well?

Now, time for a round of caipirinhas to celebrate.


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About the author

KAYAK UKKAYAK's goal is to show travellers the information they need to find the right flights, hotels, hire cars and holiday packages and make it easier for everyone, everywhere to experience the world. This experience starts here - your daily source of travel inspiration, tips, tricks, sustainability and loads more. Follow us on Instagram for even more inspiration.

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