
Meet travelers
in their moment.


KAYAK Ad Solutions brings together our passion for travel (and travelers) with world-class data and ingenuity.

We help our brands build the plans and strategies they need so together, we can make great trips happen.


Get in touch

A quick intro.

You know KAYAK for our pioneering metasearch platform – but here’s a look behind the scenes. We wield technology and insights from billions of annual searches to empower travelers with the information they need to plan amazing trips. And because we know your brand is essential in helping travelers on their journey, we help bring your story to life.

Our travel brands.


Our products.

So, you want to know about the goods – aka our services. From full-throttle creative campaigns to in-line ads and everything in between, here are the ingredients you can add to the secret sauce that’ll get your brand results.


3 things we’re
sure of.




Your needs are unique. So we tailor our plans to your individual business goals.



We even the playing field by empowering partners of any size to get in the ring.



We pair billions of data points with human ingenuity to deliver insights.

Like what you see? Let’s start a convo.

    View our KAYAK Network Advertising Policy (here) and the KAYAK Advertiser Guidelines (here)

    You acknowledge and agree that KAYAK will process your contact information for the purposes of contacting you to present you with advertising offers. We store your personal data for as long as it’s needed but no more than 2 years of inactivity. You may at any time exercise your data subject rights such as, including but not limited to, request access to your information and deletion of your information. If you are a resident of the European Economic Area, please note that KAYAK may transfer your personal data to affiliated companies and to countries outside of the European Economic Area such as Switzerland and the United States.