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KAYAK's goal is to show travellers the information they need to find the right flights, hotels, hire cars and holiday packages and make it easier for everyone, everywhere to experience the world. This experience starts here - your daily source of travel inspiration, tips, tricks, sustainability and loads more. Follow us on Instagram for even more inspiration.
Frommer’s deems KAYAK best airfare search site for 2024
Frommer’s tested 15 travel comparison sites and put KAYAK at the top. See which features secured us the win.
Watch out for scams: KAYAK will never request payments from jobseekers
How to avoid scams while looking for a job at KAYAK.
The good, the bad and the downright dodgy: 15 of your opinions on flight etiquette
KAYAK just conducted a survey after the summer holiday to ask 1,000 British travellers what they think is proper...
Edinburgh: The 10 best free things to do and see in the Scottish capital
Want to explore the Scottish capital for cheap? We've found 10 of the best free activities and things to...
Family holidays in Malta: something for everyone
With its ancient sites, famous film locations and incredible food, the tiny archipelago of Malta offers something for the...
Scuba diving in Malta: all you need to know
From beginner level shallow reefs to sprawling shipwrecks suitable for the most seasoned technical divers, the island of Malta...
Eat your heart out: an introduction to Maltese food
With its wide-ranging menu of traditional and international cuisine, Malta is making a name for itself as a foodie...
Online calculator reveals holidays you can fund with everyday cutbacks
Despite 65% of British travellers reporting holidays will be harder to pay for this year, majority are determined to...
Mind the Opinion Gap: New Study Reveals The British Travellers’ Blind Spot in Decision-Making
KAYAK’s World of Opinions 2023 study reveals 82% of British travellers have been let down by someone else’s travel...