
Here at KAYAK we’ve finally solved the travel mystery of whether you should buy or wait to book a flight at the time you search. We can do this via our Price Forecast tool, which gathers information from over one billion flight searches. Do you want to fly to your dream destination in 48 hours, 2 weeks or longer? Well, we can tell you, right here, right now, when to book for the 10 most popular destinations searched by British travellers.

Dreaming of the Big Apple but not sure when to book? Our research reveals that British travellers wanting to visit the city that never sleeps should book flights one month in advance to get the best price and save up to 17%. When searching for flights to New York, you’re generally better off buying as soon as possible, but should be aware not to book more than 6 months out from your trip, as prices tend to be cheaper within the six months leading up to the intended departure date.

Want to see the LA sun and sandy beaches in 6 months or a year? You should wait to buy, as our research reveals that prices are likely to go down, giving you more bang for your buck. If you’re keen on popular destination Bangkok this time next year, you should also wait until closer to the departure time to book flights as prices will go down.

For a visit to European cities such as Amsterdam, Paris, Malaga or Barcelona, you should buy sooner rather than later as prices tend to rise closer to the departure date. For most destinations, the best time to buy a ticket at the best price is one year in advance, though not always.

Here at KAYAK, we love to give the best advice to help you get where you want to be. With this analysis, we provide hacks for making travel planning more spontaneous. We know travel planning can be stressful, and how easy it is to get overwhelmed by choice; how to find the best price, when to book, who to book with… Our Price Forecast tool is a great solution, available on mobile and on our website, so you can book with confidence by not only knowing who to book with, but most importantly, when to book for the best deal.

Note: all prices are listed in GBP

Image Credit: Jacob Lund 

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KAYAK UKKAYAK's goal is to show travellers the information they need to find the right flights, hotels, hire cars and holiday packages and make it easier for everyone, everywhere to experience the world. This experience starts here - your daily source of travel inspiration, tips, tricks, sustainability and loads more. Follow us on Instagram for even more inspiration.

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